Program for Breakthrough Performance
via Executive and Millennial Development
Inspired by the critical importance of developing and engaging millennials and unifying your executive team, we are excited to take a deep dive with you in an in-depth project, not just a feel-good training or conversation. The following assumptions and program outline are just a starting point to begin a discussion. We invite your collaboration to develop a customized and meaningful project in the context of your organization.
What We Believe
Breakthrough Performance is the result of connected people creating new ways to meet challenges. Connected people, those that are aligned, cohesive, working well together:
1) Work/live with purpose
2) Feel ownership
3) Recognize their place in the system, and see how what they are doing, their work tasks, contribute to their personal growth and the growth of the organization
4) Create trust, giving them access to their creativity and innovative capacities
Millennials are rapidly approaching 50% of the workforce and are the future leaders of your organization. In the U.S. only 29% of employed millennials are engaged at work. Only half say they feel good about the amount of money they have to spend, and less than 40% are what Gallup defines as “thriving” in one aspect of well-being. 21% of millennials report changing jobs within the last year (3X non-millennials). Gallup estimates the millennial turnover costs the U.S. economy $30.5 billion annually. 60% say they are open to a different job opportunity (15% higher than non-millennials). Let’s develop and grow together to achieve breakthrough performance.
Millennials’ desire and often demand more meaning and purpose in their lives. There is a significant portion of the world population that is confused, perplexed, full of fears with increasing levels of anxiety, especially among Millennials. There is some distrust of big business and leadership in general, especially among Millennials. There is not enough support and direct experience for managers and leaders to help millennials develop self-trust, trust in others, meaning and engagement. When employees internalize higher levels of authority, increased personal responsibility and accountability their increased confidence and awareness will accelerate growth, innovation, and entrepreneurial behaviors through new strategies, risk taking, and learning from failures.
Strategic Benefits of Program
Breakthrough on an Immediate Business Challenge, approached by the executive team and a millennial team.
Aligned Leadership/Executive Team
- Heightened authority and increased responsibility
- More trusting relationships
- Increased level of accountability
- Living with more purpose and meaning
- Greater engagement
Engaged millennials (same as executives plus development of future leaders and champions of your company and leadership team)
- Heightened authority and increased responsibility
- More trusting relationships
- Increased level of accountability
- Living with more purpose and meaning
- Greater engagement
Pilot Project
We propose an actual and immediate business challenge with participation of the Executive team and a Millennial team.
Executive(s) Identify Immediate Business Challenge (Set the Context) then,
Identify two groups of 6 to 9 members:
- Executives/Leadership Team
- Millennial Team
Pre-assessment Diagnosis (Both Groups)
(Data has become the lifeblood of organizations…)
The primary tool used to determine the context of the organization and the beginning learning points of the participants will be an assessment called ARPe (Authority Responsibility Power expanding), which identifies the current character of individuals within the organization and starting point for development. The ARPe measures self-trust, trust in others, responsibility, accountability, authority and power. The ARPe, is used to predict and measure leadership performance and potential. Developed and used by Richard Bents, PhD, and Dr. Reiner Blank, to elevate leadership in companies around the world including AT&T, Lawson Software, Lucent Technologies, Nestle, Roche Pharma and Siemens. Additional assessments (personality, 360, ethical/morale social responsibility, etc.) may be used depending on the project and organization
Program Execution
- Teaming to research, test, and work on the project in separate groups
- 1:1 Coaching (Creating Trust, Building Authority, Increasing Responsibility / Accountability) with Rich Bents and Andy Hass. Share and discuss results and learnings from both groups in independent meetings
-Plenary Discussion (both groups brought together to learn and share)
-Determine how best to move forward with what has been learned on the project and leadership
Post-assessment after 9 months
We will show statistically significant evidence in increased levels of trust, authority and responsibility after 9-12 months of coaching.
Develop next steps for the organization
Let's get started:
Andy Hass
20+ year career building an energized, engaged and collaborative culture producing double digit sales and profit growth. Led global sales and marketing team as an executive including two years while living in Germany. BS Mech. Eng., EMBA, and a 20+ year career in engineering, quality, sales & marketing.
[email protected]
Richard Bents, PhD
35+ year global consulting career enriching the potential of others while grounded in theory and using data to measure improvement. Clients include AT&T, Lawson Software, Lucent Technologies, Nestle, Roche Pharma and Siemens.
RB[email protected]
via Executive and Millennial Development
Inspired by the critical importance of developing and engaging millennials and unifying your executive team, we are excited to take a deep dive with you in an in-depth project, not just a feel-good training or conversation. The following assumptions and program outline are just a starting point to begin a discussion. We invite your collaboration to develop a customized and meaningful project in the context of your organization.
What We Believe
Breakthrough Performance is the result of connected people creating new ways to meet challenges. Connected people, those that are aligned, cohesive, working well together:
1) Work/live with purpose
2) Feel ownership
3) Recognize their place in the system, and see how what they are doing, their work tasks, contribute to their personal growth and the growth of the organization
4) Create trust, giving them access to their creativity and innovative capacities
Millennials are rapidly approaching 50% of the workforce and are the future leaders of your organization. In the U.S. only 29% of employed millennials are engaged at work. Only half say they feel good about the amount of money they have to spend, and less than 40% are what Gallup defines as “thriving” in one aspect of well-being. 21% of millennials report changing jobs within the last year (3X non-millennials). Gallup estimates the millennial turnover costs the U.S. economy $30.5 billion annually. 60% say they are open to a different job opportunity (15% higher than non-millennials). Let’s develop and grow together to achieve breakthrough performance.
Millennials’ desire and often demand more meaning and purpose in their lives. There is a significant portion of the world population that is confused, perplexed, full of fears with increasing levels of anxiety, especially among Millennials. There is some distrust of big business and leadership in general, especially among Millennials. There is not enough support and direct experience for managers and leaders to help millennials develop self-trust, trust in others, meaning and engagement. When employees internalize higher levels of authority, increased personal responsibility and accountability their increased confidence and awareness will accelerate growth, innovation, and entrepreneurial behaviors through new strategies, risk taking, and learning from failures.
Strategic Benefits of Program
Breakthrough on an Immediate Business Challenge, approached by the executive team and a millennial team.
Aligned Leadership/Executive Team
- Heightened authority and increased responsibility
- More trusting relationships
- Increased level of accountability
- Living with more purpose and meaning
- Greater engagement
Engaged millennials (same as executives plus development of future leaders and champions of your company and leadership team)
- Heightened authority and increased responsibility
- More trusting relationships
- Increased level of accountability
- Living with more purpose and meaning
- Greater engagement
Pilot Project
We propose an actual and immediate business challenge with participation of the Executive team and a Millennial team.
Executive(s) Identify Immediate Business Challenge (Set the Context) then,
Identify two groups of 6 to 9 members:
- Executives/Leadership Team
- Millennial Team
Pre-assessment Diagnosis (Both Groups)
(Data has become the lifeblood of organizations…)
The primary tool used to determine the context of the organization and the beginning learning points of the participants will be an assessment called ARPe (Authority Responsibility Power expanding), which identifies the current character of individuals within the organization and starting point for development. The ARPe measures self-trust, trust in others, responsibility, accountability, authority and power. The ARPe, is used to predict and measure leadership performance and potential. Developed and used by Richard Bents, PhD, and Dr. Reiner Blank, to elevate leadership in companies around the world including AT&T, Lawson Software, Lucent Technologies, Nestle, Roche Pharma and Siemens. Additional assessments (personality, 360, ethical/morale social responsibility, etc.) may be used depending on the project and organization
Program Execution
- Teaming to research, test, and work on the project in separate groups
- 1:1 Coaching (Creating Trust, Building Authority, Increasing Responsibility / Accountability) with Rich Bents and Andy Hass. Share and discuss results and learnings from both groups in independent meetings
-Plenary Discussion (both groups brought together to learn and share)
-Determine how best to move forward with what has been learned on the project and leadership
Post-assessment after 9 months
We will show statistically significant evidence in increased levels of trust, authority and responsibility after 9-12 months of coaching.
Develop next steps for the organization
Let's get started:
Andy Hass
20+ year career building an energized, engaged and collaborative culture producing double digit sales and profit growth. Led global sales and marketing team as an executive including two years while living in Germany. BS Mech. Eng., EMBA, and a 20+ year career in engineering, quality, sales & marketing.
[email protected]
Richard Bents, PhD
35+ year global consulting career enriching the potential of others while grounded in theory and using data to measure improvement. Clients include AT&T, Lawson Software, Lucent Technologies, Nestle, Roche Pharma and Siemens.
RB[email protected]